Highlights The Far-Right’s Extremist Agenda
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS May 30, 2024 – “The recent adoption of the Texas Republican platform calling for abortion patients to be punished as murderers is a chilling display of extremist ideology. The Texas GOP’s platform makes their dangerous position plain as day: ‘Abortion is not healthcare it is homicide.’ This platform not only threatens the lives of Texas women but also undermines our values of justice, equity, and freedom as Americans.
Despite the lack of mainstream media coverage, Jessica Valenti’s Substack, Abortion, Every Day, has highlighted this alarming development. It’s crucial that we shine a light on these threats and ensure every Texas voter understands what’s at stake.
This November, Texans have the power to reject this extremism at the ballot box. Find Out PAC is committed to unseating the Texas Supreme Court justices who have paved the way for these draconian policies. We won’t rest until we have leaders who protect the rights and health of all Texans.
It’s time for change. The extremism ends when we make our voices heard.” – Gina Ortiz Jones, Founder, Find Out PAC